Thread: Disaster
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Old 09-02-2021, 07:40 AM   #192
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
If we were so ill prepared how did so many get evacuated? Biden and the military did good in light of how the Afghans just rolled over and while I said any end of war pull out is likely to be chaotic, it’s always going to be fluid and nobody expected what happened. Hey thanking loyalty, what about Trump leaving our Kurd allies behind and turning over our facilities to the Russians, you dodged that point before. Fake outrage is partisan.

On a side note on loyalty, seems Kevin is picking up right where Trump left off, threatening companies if they comply with supenas; loyal to the new leader of the far right.
Again, work on your comprehension. They got many out before it all went south.

Are you denying that we were caught off guard at the very end? Even Biden is saying they had no expectation that the Taliban would seize control that quickly.

If we were fully prepared, why did we pull out before we got everyone out, therefore breaking Biden's promise?

Man, oh, man, you guys are something. Everything was perfect.
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