Thread: Disaster
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Old 09-03-2021, 05:19 AM   #28
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I guess I need to put things into a bigger picture for conservatives and their Responses to events

trump trying to get dirt on Biden from a foreign Nation Response nothing burger

Trump siding with Putin response nothing burger

trumps love affair with Kim. Response Nobel prize

4 SF a troops killed in tongo tongo abuse. Response. Where’s Niger ?

Trumps dealing with Covid and 40000 deaths on his watch, response operation warp speed a vaccine most Trump supporters won’t take and he’s not responsible no screams of he’s got blood on his hands or he should resign.. nope it was MAGA 2021 all aboard

Trumps constant claims of voter fraud before during and after the election his attamepts to de certify the election with out Republicans and the events of Jan 6th. Response let’s suggest it no different than Antifa and BLM riots

Trump negotiations with the Taliban. Response Great success!!

Republicans as a whole and the rise of the delta , in the unvaccinated ! response politically attack mask wearing again and embrace any treatment other than the vaccines

Fast forward to Biden.

Key stone pipe line. Response OMG he just kill oil independence ( FYI pipe line never built)

Immigration response omg back to invasions and caravans

Ransom ware attacks on private companies omg Biden’s fault or China joe

Afghanistan and 15 marines Kia.120k out of the country and harms way possibly a 100 American left. Response resign Biden has blood on his bla bla bla

The right has ZERO intellectual Honesty left . It’s all about outrage 100 percent of the time

Of course the withdrawal of Afghanistan could have looked more dignified but let’s be honest the rights main focus is that it wasn’t dignified.. they wanted some how to turn a 20 years negative into a positive by trying to sell a better outcome to a solution they wanted no part of on Jan 1st

They do it daily ! they sell imaginary solutions to their base , from election law changes solely because Trump lost
To passing laws that have their enforcement mechanisms is any private citizens in the USA can use civil ligation against anyone they think violated a law ( more like campaign aid)

but everyone else is crazy. Ya ok
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