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Old 09-09-2021, 08:58 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
And you’ve written more outrage over an Eggassination attempt than that Jan 6th until now that is that was my only point ..

As for criticism of liberals I believe Como needed to resign, do I think Biden should resign for how Afghanistan went down Nope . Could things have gone better absolutely. Do I think the infrastructure a bit high yes but why not we haven’t had one in decades and Republicans are just saying no for the sake of saying no .. never mind their covid response.. so to be honest when Republicans are still creating more issues then they help to resolve . It’s hard to criticize the left for attempting to provide solutions to problems. And easier to criticize the right for attempting to provide solutions for problems that only exist in their imagination
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"And you’ve written more outrage over an Eggassination attempt than that Jan 6th until now that is that was my only point .. "

Fair enough. But it shouldn't surprise you to hear me say those people behaved horribly and should be prosecuted. I also stand by my position that if the political angle and ethnicities were different, the unarmed woman shot to death without warning by a cop, would have been handled very very differently. It was ignored because she was a white conservative.

"do I think Biden should resign for how Afghanistan went down Nope"

Me either. But I didn't see you do anything but defend him (and insult his critics) on the other thread.

"never mind their covid response"

Yet states with the highest death rates to date, are disproportionately democrat. That's irrefutable fact. But you just can't accept it, because you don't happen to like it.

"It’s hard to criticize the left for attempting to provide solutions to problems. And easier to criticize the right for attempting to provide solutions for problems that only exist in their imagination"

Now, that's more along the lines of what I expected.

Why are huge numbers of people and businesses fleeing blue states, moving to red states? If you say "because of weather", keep in mind that southern California has nice weather, and yet people aren't moving there, California is losing population big time, much to Texas.
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