Thread: Chansley
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Old 09-15-2021, 01:19 PM   #126
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Sure Jim, but the poll that counts was conducted in the election.
It seems honesty and morals count more to others than to you.

Most Americans are not impressed by the Lardfather.

As far as your latest mini-Trump goes if only someone had warned the world about DeSantis 18 months ago.

COVID-19 death reporting by FL-DOH continues to confound reporters and scientists. There are 3 ways to calculate FL death and we explain the differences in this blog post:

Newsom should send fruit-baskets to Abbott & DeSantis.
Californians decided they rather live w/high taxes, high incomes, the seventh biggest GDP in the world and a guy who eats at The French Laundry, than under mini-Trump’s, exploiting COVID and controlling women’s uteruses.
"the poll that counts was conducted in the election."

Um, yes I know. My point (sorry that it went over your head) is that a conservative who would govern like Trump did, but who isn't a lunatic, would be much more formidable of an opponent, which is why your side calls Governor Desantis "Governor Death Sentence" despite the fact that his death rates are lower than those in NY, which was led by the guy you all said was the gold standard.

"It seems honesty and morals count more to others than to you."

Like you? Ive said 100 times that Trump is disgusting. Not one of the lefties here, condemned eggs getting thrown at Larry Elder. So which one of us can put politics aside to say what's wrong, and which one of us cannot? I don't need lessons from anyone here who goes after someone elses daughters, so spare me your fake concern about morals.

"Most Americans are not impressed by the Lardfather."

I don't know who you mean, but your concern for honesty and morals seems to come and go, doesn't it?

"if only someone had warned the world about DeSantis 18 months ago."

Yes, why would anyone want to learn lessons from a state that stayed open, a state whose kids stayed in school, yet a state which has a death rate lower than many liberal states that closed down and shuttered schools, despite that state having a massive elderly population. A state with a booming economy despite low taxes, a state that tons of people and businesses are fleeing to, a state not experiencing a huge spike in violent crime (like blue state are experiencing). God forbid we have more of that!

What terrific arguments you're making. Please tell us more!
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