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Old 09-20-2021, 09:40 AM   #418
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
When the far right does a 180 they identify as Trumplicans

Morals don't count
"As a relatively young man, I remember a time in this great nation when those endowed with public trust and those that were elected to public office were held to a higher standard." R. Aderholt

We are the same as Russia
"To say that we and the Soviet Union are to be compared is the equivalent of saying that the man who pushes the old lady into the way of an oncoming bus and the man who pushes [her] out of the way … are both people who push old ladies around." Wm. Buckley

TFG promised he would eliminate the nation’s debt in eight years.
When he took office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.9 trillion. In October 2020, the national debt reached a new high of $27 trillion. That's an increase of almost 36% in less than four years.

“I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination,”

"Donald, you're a sniveling coward and leave [my wife] the hell alone!" T. Cruz

I could quote paragraphs on January 6th

But we will see, the mobs will always turn on their own and their movements inevitably collapse. It's just a matter of how much damage they do in the meantime.
Ok, a little exercise in hypocrisy here...

"TFG promised he would eliminate the nation’s debt in eight years."

I honestly didn't know he promised that. If he did, it was an insanely stupid thing to promise, and he absolutely deserves criticism for it.

Biden famously said this to a roomfull of blacks:

"Republicans want to put y'all back in chains".

Is that a more responsible thing to say, that what you criticize Trump for? The record shows, that Trump led the economy to an all-time record low of black unemployment, he increased funding for black colleges, and he strongly advocated criminal justice reform, which blacks have wanted for decades. Trump advocates for school choice, which would disproportionately help blacks. So, how accurate (and how unifying) was Biden's statement?

Here's another Biden gem:

"I promise you if I'm elected president, you're going to see the single most important thing that changes America, we're gonna cure cancer,""

Now when Bidens term/terms are up, and cancer still exists, are you prepared to say he didn't live up to this promise? Or do you only care when Republicans break promises?

"I could quote paragraphs on January 6th"

Yes you can. And I can match every one of your quotes, with a quote from a democrat defending the anti-police riots all last summer, which took a lot more lives, and did way more damage, than what happened on January 6.

"“I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham"

Graham was a complete. 100% hypocrite on that issue, and deserves to be called out for it. Fair enough?

Pete, do you know what the "Biden rule" regarding SCOTUS is?

When Bush 41 was POTUS, Biden said a president should not make late-term appointments, and if he tried to do so, that the senate should block him.

Then, when Biden was VP and his administration had a late-term vacancy, he felt it was their duty to fill it.

Then, when Trump had a late-term vacancy, Biden said the potus should not fill it.

So Biden opposed late-term appointments, then supported them, then opposed them again.

So if Lindsey Graham is a hypocrite (which he 100% is), how can you deny that Biden also is?

You have fun trying to answer that.
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