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Old 09-20-2021, 11:02 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Paul, I'm not angry, I'm curious and therefore asked a question. And I specifically asked someone other than you, someone who knows more about this than we do, and forgive me for saying, but someone who in my opinion, puts truth ahead of politics WAY more regularly than the rest of you. I addressed it to Bryan, you chose to engage me here, so grow a pair and answer the obvious question.

If my 15 year-old son (who is way lower risk than these adults at the Emmys) does what they did (vaccine and negative test), why can't he make the choices they do, and not wear a mask? Is that not an obvious, fair question to ask? Does the virus differentiate between those who have Screen Actors Guild cards, and those who don't?
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