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Old 09-24-2021, 12:47 PM   #67
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Actually there has been a lot of left wing criticism.

Under Obama they built temporary facilities to house mostly unaccompanied minors.

Because Trump changed the law to force breaking up families. Very different situation.
"Actually there has been a lot of left wing criticism. "

Any from you? Didn't think so. WDMSO won't even concede the caravans are real, he said "the right claims there are caravans". That's how far away from reality he is.

"Under Obama they built temporary facilities to house mostly unaccompanied minors."

"Mostly". So you're saying, correctly, that Obama did break up some families (which NO ONE cared about), Trump expanded it, which everyone on the left cried over.

So, you're saying it's OK to forcibly split up some number of family units, but inhuman to go above that number. And by an amazing coincidence, you're going to say that Obama stayed below that number and Trump went over.

Spence, if you traveled with your kids to another country and flagrantly violated their federal laws, you wouldn't expect to be separated from your kids? Additionally, we know that some of these kids are being rented out to some of these adults who are fraudulently posing as a family in order to have a much better chance of staying.

Trump started to refer every single case for criminal processing. Why the heck shouldn't he? Did these people break the law or not?
If they want to stay with their kids (as well as avoid being gang raped by cartels on the Mexican side at illegal crossing points), there is a process for that. It's called legal immigration.

Biden doesn't need another badly bungled incident right now, but that's what he's got. Talking about ice cream isn't working on America anymore, not when they see this magnitude of gross incompetence regarding multiple independent events. Hence his polling, especially among independents.
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