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Old 10-05-2021, 01:45 PM   #204
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
If only 100,00 died and these mandates were in play I’d agree it’s extreme and unwarranted, but it’s now over 700,000 dead and it’s not over, so whine all you want. Hey drive your hog in mass without a helmet, screw paying the evil government taxes to fund the new order, lidon’t vaccinate your kids Home school them,ght up a cigarette in your office and have all the freedom you want.
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My 15 year old is vaccinated, so are my wife and I, I'm totally on board with the vaccine. All the data I've seen, say vaccines are effective at reducing the risk of getting seriously sick from covid. I don't see evidence that the vaccines are a great shield against getting covid.

"it’s not over"

My point is, if "over" means no one can get covid anymore, then it will probably never be over. Never. You know how many viruses have effectively been eliminated? Any idea? One. O-N-E. 1. Smallpox.

So we need to ask ourselves how much of what constitutes a normal childhood, are we willing to deny our children, for what may be no real benefit? We're probably all going to get covid at some point, maybe more than once, like the flu.

"don’t vaccinate your kids Home school them, drive your hog in mass without a helmet, screw paying the evil government taxes to fund the new order, light up a cigarette in your office and have all the freedom you want."

Yup, that's exactly what I said.

It's a very common tactic among stupid people with a weak argument, to ignore what the person winning the argument actually said, and respond instead to something that I never came close to saying. When I'm debating someone who acts like I said something I never came close to saying, that means I won.

Show me any large population of healthy, vaccinated people, and I guarantee that if you test all of them, many will test positive and don't feel sick. That's how this disease works. Huge numbers of people get it, very few get seriously sick.

Amazing. The side you support has no problem locking down healthy vaccinated people, but show zero concern when thousands of unvaccinated, untested illegals cross our border daily, and end up in our cities and towns.

Here, according to all the right-wing nuts at NBC news, 18% of illegal migrants tested, tested positive for covid. Almost 1 out of 5. And Democrats adamantly deny that there's any reason to be concerned that more than 150,000 illegals a month cross the southern border.
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