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Old 10-08-2021, 05:18 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
i’m not saying the blm riots were the same as january 6th, i’m saying the blm riots were a million times worse.

What did the january 6th riots achieve?? First of all, the majority of republicans condemned what happened. Second, the rioters didn’t kill anybody or do tens of billions in damage. and for sure, while some of them hoped to reinstate trump as president, that was never going to happen, it did absolutely NOTHING to alter our democratic process. Nothing.

Compare that to the BlM riots. Almost nobody influential
on the left condemned the riots, they were billed as peaceful. People were murdered, God knows the property damage from fire. Worst of all, that anti cop furor is absolutely permeating into our way of life. some of the most powerful democrats in washington are calling to defund the police, and many large police forces are seeing officers leave and create openings that can’t be filled because no sane person would want to be a cop in a big city right now. Liberals in the media never give the cop the benefit of the doubt, every single time they declare the white cop guilty before the investigation is done.

There is no comparing the effect of the BLM riots to what happened in January 6th. There is no meaningful number of republicans in DC who want to continue the work
of what those idiots did on January 6. By contrast, there are plenty of powerful elected democrats who fully support the cause of the BLM rioters.

That summer, democrats said you couldn’t go to mass because of covid, but they specifically allowed BLM protests and riots. They denied freedom of assembly ( which is guaranteed in the constitution, nowhere does it say “unless there’s a pandemic”) to those not sympathetic to their agenda, and reserved freedom of assembly to those who are sympathetic to their agenda.

I would love to see you attempt to make that wrong. I would truly love it.

you keep saying that republicans want a dictator for president. it shows how completely ignorant you are. we want a much less powerful federal presence than democrats want. you don’t understand anything. zip. stick to catching tuna.
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Jim the we isn’t the new Republican Party

Clinton got a BJ and the right flips out .. Trump try’s to over turn the election and they get closer?

So we should use the new Republican version on attempting a crime

And say I didn’t rape her I tried got all her clothes of but I couldn’t get an erection . So you can’t say I raped her . Her name is America

Ps Republican do want an autocrat running the country their to dumb they just call Trump a patriot . Thinking that’s what an autocrat is ..

That’s why Republicans love Putin

Why are Republicans using Putin’s talking points? This study helps explain.
Increasingly, Republican voters think Vladimir Putin is a good leader. But Russians don’t feel the same way about President Trump.

You really need to expand you reading list
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