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Old 10-12-2021, 03:18 PM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim liberals or liberalism has nothing to do with current gas prices

I am sorry you can’t accept that..

So now you want socialism government control of of gas prices

Because your the only one making this a political issue .. when it’s basic economics
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
(1) you claimed that republicans said oil prices have never been this high. Please tell us who is saying that? Or did you make it up.

(2) the president of the US can have an impact on oil prices, and this one has. He's obviously anti fracking and not a fan of domestic production, which decreases the supply. Do you know what happens to something, when the supply decreases? It goes up. Additionally, perceived stability in the middle east impacts oil prices, and nobody thinks that the prospects of Middle East peace improved when Biden took his hand off the bible.

I can accept everything, because unlike you, I'm not a slave to what I believe. I can go wherever the truth takes me. It's you who has to invent things to protect your ideology, things like saying republicans are claiming oil is at an all time high. Nobody said that. But you lied and claimed they did, because it helps your side. And that's all that matters to you.

Oil had nowhere to go but up when Biden took office, mostly because covid crushed worldwide demand. No matter who became president in 2020, oil prices would have gone up. But it's logical to assume that Bidens agenda pushed prices higher than they'd have gone under a president who was an aggressive pro-production potus. If you ever read chapter 1 of any economics text, you'd understand the impact of supply on price.

You keep telling yourself that Bidens poling is nothing to worry about. And keep telling yourself that America will embrace Harris if she has to run in 2024 which is likely. When you nominate a president with dementia, and a VP who is amazingly un-impressive and un-likeable except for her skin color and gender, well, maybe that's short-sighted and stupid like it was when the GOP nominated Trump. Maybe, maybe not. What we know for sure, is the only president with polling lower at this point, got absolutely creamed at re-election. Creamed. So a rational person would say he's really struggling. Not one of you can concede that, all is swell according to you. Spence says he's doing fine. He has the entire media except one TV station doing commercials for him all day long, and STILL he's below 40%. Imagine if the press was actually fair.
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