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Old 10-21-2021, 12:22 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Let's stick with this.

Are you going to state here, that the situation at the border isn't different than it was a year ago? We don't have meaningfully more people crossing now? Is that what you're saying?

what you see at the border is only new in your imagination Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% last year compared with 2016.

I'm trying to talk to you Wayne, you make it impossible when you say nonsense like that. "The border" itself, the physical border, hasn't changed, there hasn't been an earthquake that would change the border. But the situation at the border, has changed drastically. And no one gives a sh*t if you can't accept that. America sees it, which is why Biden's numbers are tanking (but Spence says he's actually doing well, so you can ignore that too).

And if you think by me saying the border hasn't changed is somehow about its physical appearance your making thing up again ... you must think apprehension equal admission into the the Country ? what laws Has Biden changes that Trump passed ? NONE executive orders are just that.. so what's Changed on our side NOTHING .. But clearly more are trying on the mexican side..

"You left out the stock market is still breaking records"

True, and important to mention. But you would never discuss that when Trump was president. I mentioned that because you gave much praise to Trump for the markets and now crickets I did not
FYI 19 Republicans who voted in favor of the Infrastructure bill how many dems 50?

but thanks for focusing on the ONLY bill some Republicans voted on

how many Bill have they filibustered ... And republicans dare speak about the tyranny of the majority !

when it's more like GOP's tyranny of the minority

here's an example A Fox News poll released last week found that 67 percent of voters support requiring teachers and students to wear masks in schools. Even in the “reddish” state of Florida,

Gov. Ron DeSantis don’t appear to care what the majority of voters want; instead, many are singularly concerned with what keeps the GOP base happy.

The GOP is giving us a master class in the tyranny of the minority. Republicans across the nation are enacting polices on issues from Covid safeguards to restrictions on abortion and voting rights that are opposed by a solid majority of Americans — but are supported by the much smaller GOP base.

that's the real threat to America
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