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Old 10-24-2021, 08:05 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
wayne -

“ trump had no messaging except it was going o go away aka disappear.

here’s Gov Cuomo, not known to be a Trump loyalist, praising Trump for helping NY.

Trump didn’t do anything? He didn’t implement travelled bans? didn’t send huge hospital ships to NY and CA? didn’t have his army engineers convert the Javitts center to a huge hospital?

you’re well informed.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

All while still trying to excuse Covid away …. and he was backed into a corner . He just moved pieces that just needed his approval It’s not heroic it’s called doing your job ….

Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” — Trump in a CNBC interview.

Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” — Trump in a tweet.

Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” — Trump at a White House meeting with African American leaders.

March 6: We’ve had 11 deaths, and they’ve been largely old people who are — who were susceptible to what’s happening. Now, that would be the case, I assume, with a regular flu too. If somebody is old and in a weakened state or ill, they’re susceptible to the common flu too. You know, they were telling me just now that the common flu kills people and old people is sort of a target.”( the origin of its only the flu)

March 9: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!” — Trump in a tweet.

March 13: Trump declares a national emergency concerning the coronavirus.

March 15: “This is a very contagious — this is a very contagious virus. It’s incredible. But it’s something that we have tremendous control over.” —

March 17: “I’ve always known this is a — this is a real — this is a pandemic. I’ve felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.” — Trump at a White House task force press briefing.

The president undermines the CDC’s recommendation on wearing face masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19, urges governors to open up their states and suggests ways to use ultraviolet rays and disinfectant to treat COVID-19.

March 24: “So I think Easter Sunday and you’ll have packed churches all over our country. I think it would be a beautiful time. And it’s just about the timeline that I think is right.” — Trump in an interview on Fox News.

March 26: The U.S. has 100,000 confirmed coronavirus cases, more than any other country.

April 3: The CDC recommends that people begin “wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.”

April 5: “We’re starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. And hopefully, in the not-too-distant future, we’ll be very proud of the job we all did. We can never be happy when so many people are dying, but we’re going to be very proud of the job we did to keep the death down to an absolute minimum —

May 8: “Well, I feel about vaccines like I feel about tests. This is going to go away without a vaccine. It’s going to go away, and it’s — we’re not going to see it again,

June 20: “They call me, they say the job you’re doing — here’s the bad part, when you test of — when you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases. So, I said to my people slow the testing down, please.” — Trump at a Tulsa, Oklahoma, indoor rally,

June 25: “So, we have more cases because we do the greatest testing. If we didn’t do testing, we’d have no cases.

Aug. 5: “I also urge Americans to help us stop the spread of the virus. Practice good hygiene, socially distance, avoid large crowds, and wear a mask where distancing is not possible. It’s a patriotic thing to do.” — Trump at a White House briefing.

MAGA a missed that I guess so did trump

Sept. 3: “I’ve never seen a man [Biden] that liked a mask more. Look, I’m all for it … but did you ever see a man that likes a mask as much as him? And then he makes a speech and he always has it, not always but a lot of times he has it hanging down because you know what, it gives him a feeling of security

Sept. 15: “But we really are — we’re starting to get very good marks.”

“But whether it’s Dr. Fauci or anybody else, a lot of people got it wrong. They talked about don’t wear masks, and now they say wear masks. Although some people say don’t wear masks. I mean you have a lot of different ideas. … Now there is, by the way, a lot of people don’t want to wear masks. There are a lot of people think that masks are not good.” — Trump in an ABC News

Now the blame game starts prior to the election
And cue the mask wars

Sept. 22: “The CDC is people that have been there for a long time, long before me and I, I also don’t like the fact that they send out mixed messages. They put stuff in, they put it out, you know, it’s, I don’t know, they’ve been there a long time. The CDC, uh, comes out with all different messages. Now I’ll give you an example, uh, wear a mask, don’t wear a mask.”

Now the China virus name calling starts

Sept. 24: “The China virus, it’s China, some people call it coronavirus. That sounds like a beautiful place in Italy, right? No, it didn’t come from Italy. It came from China.

Sept. 29: “And now we’re weeks away from a vaccine. We’re doing therapeutics already. Fewer people are dying when they get sick. Far fewer people are dying. We’ve done a great job.”

“When needed, I wear masks. I don’t have — I don’t wear masks like [Biden]. Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from — and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.” — Trump at the presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio.

Members of Trump’s family did not wear masks during the debate.

On Trump’s Last Full Day, Nation Records 400,000 Covid Deaths

But but Fauci lied …. Maybe and flip flopped , normal people call that changing ones mind based on the evidence presented. Something else thats not allowed in the Trump MAGA universe. Unless it Herr Trump who changed his mind
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Last edited by wdmso; 10-24-2021 at 08:14 AM..
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