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Old 11-03-2021, 04:15 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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well i’ll get the election thread started

Stunning. It was stunning.

I’d have bet that the democrats were going to win in VA, and NO ONE was even talking about NJ.

The 2020 Gallup poll was clear. America hated Trumps personality, but they liked his policies. They really liked his policies.

NJ and VA, two blue states, each swung more than ten points to the right, after 10 months of democrats running DC. Who knows what that means in purple states.

I’d like to buy a beer for whoever it was on McAuluffes campaign, who thought the best speaker they could get the night before an election that had clearly turned on the heels of parents upset at schools,,was the despised president of the largest national teachers union. That was really, really smart. Spit in the faces of those PTA moms one last time right before they go to the polls.

The NJ results must have the DNC checking themselves into rehab. Biden won NJ by 16 points, one year ago.

If the democrats pass the infrastructure bill and some
kind of social welfare spending bill, they’ll have accomplishments they can point to in 2022. That is now crucial. Manchin and Sinema can name their price, whatever they want in exchange for their votes, they’re going to get.

What a disaster.

Watching MSNBC was beyond fun last night. the hosts went through the 7 stages of grief in an endless loop.

“parents shouldn’t get to tell teachers what their kids are taught.”

Teachers work for parents. That’s who pays them. It’s pretty simple. Just because these public servants give huge money to democrats, doesn’t mean you turn the boss/employee relationship upside down.

As i said, it was as if they were trying to lose.

Will democrats tell their progressive wing to shut up? or will they hit the gas harder and accelerate towards the progressive cliff? they’re not going to win anything with a platform of demonizing Trump and calling everyone racist who doesn’t agree with them.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 11-03-2021 at 04:22 AM..
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