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Old 11-03-2021, 06:49 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Congratulations to the winners VA proves it the candidate not their policies they get them elected . I disagree with Jim suggest it’s their policy’s or Trump would have be re elected . We have see the same play out in Mass we have had several Republicans Governor’s to include out current one..

Now let’s see if youngkin pivots to a Trumplican or remains a classic Republican?

But the American electorate are dumb just saying . Not by whom they vote for .. but the manner in the way they vote . The will kick and scream to get a Democratic or Republican elected to the White House then before the ink even dries they vote out all the support the POTUS they just elected needs to get things done ? It makes no sense
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why did the gallup poll
in 2020 show a record number of americans identified as better off after 4 years of trump? if that does t mean america liked his policies, what does it mean?

60% of voters in VA said the country is going in the wrong direction.

america liked trumps policies. they hated him personally, plus covid, plus the racial unrest.

my hope is that the DNC agrees with you, that nothing that happened yesterday is any indicator of america’s opinion on progressive liberalism. my hope is democrats keep advocating for open borders, late term abortions ( perhaps until
the baby’s first birthday?), payouts to illegals that are larger than what we give to families of servicemen killed in action, defunding the police, green new deals, no such thing as biological sex, denying inflation, telling americans not to complain about gas prices or supply delays. Stick with that. most of all, never stop complaining about trump. never.
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