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Old 11-05-2021, 02:40 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
a black republican wins in VA. MSNBC host and guest who is a professor at georgetown, claim she’s a white supremacist.
You have to understand, as CRT would no doubt explain to you, the only time or way minorities, especially Blacks, are allowed a piece of the American pie is if they submit themselves to the dominant racist white supremacy system. Like those Blacks you often point out who do well by making the right choices that the system provides and doing the things that whiteness claims will lead to success--get married, wait till then to have children, get an education, work hard (the oppressive white "work ethic" pull yourself up by the bootstraps thingy), blah, blah, blah.

You see, the white supremacist system, which is rigged to privilege whites and maintain their supremacy, will only allow some of that privilege to Blacks is if it somehow benefits that systemically white racist system. It's no doubt good propaganda to let a few blacks, so long as they do the right white things that the system recommends, tap into the white privilege thingy. So successful blacks, especially notable ones like Sowell, Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Condoleezza Rice, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Professional black athletes, and the lots of regular black folks who do the recommended right things can enjoy some or a lot of that white privilege that is mainly set aside for white folks because they did it the right white recommended way and it makes the systemically racist white system look good and proves that its message is correct. And, BTW, in many ways it can make white elites richer.

So the Black lady elected in VA as a Republican benefits the systemic racism of America by making it look good and by getting some black votes to help keep the system going--dontcha see.

So, to wrap up, if Blacks will submit to acting white, doing what whiteness recommends, they will usually be allowed to succeed because it supports white supremacy. They can even be allowed to become high paid athletes and actors and media stars, and Mayors and Senators and Representatives and presidents of universities, even President of the United States. That's why they can correctly be called white supremacists, even though they are black.

Now the seeming anomaly of many of these successful Blacks, especially in the media and politics, crying out against the racism of the system, is actually, willingly participated in or not, part of the allowed systemic activity. They add the appearance of a system that is open to opposition, that gives voice to everyone. But, as CRT points out, in spite of all the shouting and hollering and legislation by the opposition that is allowed to get elected, the inequality suffered by Blacks has only gotten worse. Since the great civil rights efforts of the supposed opposition which were stirred up even more with the Great Society legislation, and all the "reforms" that followed, Blacks have fallen even further back. Even though all the high level black opposition, actors, media personalities, athletes, politicians, and academics have maintained or improved their privileged status. And, more quietly, little mentioned, the regular Black folks who do the recommended whiteness things, also manage to succeed.

So, you see, CRT explains that the white supremacists' equality of opportunity nonsense is merely a propagandistic meme to deflect from what is really needed--equality of outcome. Or, to use the preferred CRT meme, what is necessary, what is needed is "equity."

And the Black lady that got elected in VA does not provide equity for Blacks or other minorities. It just separates her from the plight of regular Black folks who are not interested in doing the right "white" things that lead to personal success but maintain the systemically racist system. She's just another Black white supremacist.
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