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Old 11-08-2021, 08:36 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
But but big bird

Ted Cruz leads right-wing attack on Big Bird for promoting 'propaganda' after the Sesame Street character got the COVID-19 vaccine. GOP priorities

Not sure why Jim thinks AOC has more influence then joe manchin and kyrsten sinema.

Yet infrastructure gets passed, and Jim moves the goal posts again to SHE alone held it up? No sure how or way that’s relevant . Seeing the vast majority of Republicans wouldn’t dare help Dems pass a bill that let alone helped Americans no less Democratic’s…

That’s why those Republicans who voted for it are now ! The enemy Greene labeled them "traitors" and tweeted out a list of their names along with their office numbers.
Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado said in a tweet "these fraudulent RINOs" should be penalized "for advertising themselves as Republicans but governing as Democrats."

I can't believe Republicans just gave the Democrats their socialism bill," Rep Matt Gaetz of Florida said.

Rep. Chip Roy of Texas retweeted Rep. Warren Davidson of Ohio, who said it was "painful" to watch his Republican colleagues deliver the votes to Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

GOP Lawmaker B Rep.-elect Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) backs Biden's Infrastructure Bill to Own the Squad: 'I Voted Against AOC'

Oh really she is part of the GOP FREEDOM SQUAD ! by the way all those women used AOC as their villain and conservatives irrational. Fear of Socialism ad owing the libs to get elected…. That’s a winning strategy for the GOP they know never to try to get elected on policy. Just say guns god Abortion China socialism and communism and AOC and repeat

The majority of Republicans refuse do anything for the citizens of the US ! infrastructure is a classic example look at their responses. Clearly it will Help in all states but it helps the Democratics and that alone makes it unacceptable to the new GOP Man before country ! party before country !
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"Not sure why Jim thinks AOC has more influence then joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. "

(1) I never said anything like that. Why do you guys constantly claim I'm saying things i never said? When did I say that?

(2) Do yo understand that there are 2 chambers of the legislature? AOC is in the HOUSE. Manchin and Sinema are in the SENATE.

(3) "Influuence" means the ability to get others to do what you want them to do. Manchin isn't influencing other senators to vote the way he does, He and Sinema are two individuals who are in a senate that's tied 50-50. So they can single-handedly torpedo democratic bills, but they aren't influencing anyone else to vote with them. The other 48 democrats in the Senate are voting the way the DNC wants.

House is a different story. The progressive wing of the democratic party has repeatedly blocked the democrats from passing infastructure until Friday night. It's clear to me (but I can't prove it) that the squad are the most powerful force within the progressive wing of the democrats in the house.

There is constant talk of AOC issuing a primary challenge to Chuck Schumer. She's a force among house democrats. Obviously you hate that, but it's not my fault, I didn't vote for her, although I would vote for her if I could because shes a gift to the GOP.

Anyway, is there anything I can do, to get you to stop claiming that I'm saying things that I never came close to saying?
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