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Old 11-10-2021, 08:31 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Look out the window it’s here! and why are these conference always used by conservatives. As examples because leaders of the free world Didn’t walk! is somehow hypocritical…

Classic blame game and a complete lack of understanding so uninformed they can’t see beyond the daily outrage .. delivered to their email or their favorite talking heads

Jim try the big picture or the long view . It takes to much effort to be angry all the time ,

How many Americans died from extreme weather events or property destroyed by Fire and Floods

So seems Obama was right your live is at risk from the climate!

Despite the gaffe, we bet Obama is still a good deal more popular than the last US president.

Another Jim outraged ballon deflated by the people of Scotland themselves

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Wayne, in this one idiotic, laughable post, you have PERFECTLY illustrated why it's impossible to converse with liberals. It's just not possible, you are not capable of it.

You criticized conservatives for using fear and hysteria. And you're right, they do that sometimes, and they shouldn't. I can admit that.

I then provide to you, a perfect example of a liberal using fear and hysteria. Obama is literally saying "your life depends on voting for democrats". And even though you have NO problem criticizing republicans for using fear, you are incapable of holding democrats to the same standard.

As always, you only care when republicans do it, and democrats are above criticism.

Let's move on from your inability to hold both sides to the same standard when using fear. Let's talk hypocrisy. I say it's a bit hypocritical for someone who owns multiple huge mansions and flies on private jets, to lecture anyone about their carbon footprint.

Your response?

"because leaders of the free world Didn’t walk!"

As always, when I back you into a corner from which there's no escape, instead of being an adult and admitting I have a point, you respond to something I never even came close to saying. You know you can't respond to what I actually said, so you convince yourself I said something stupid enough that you could respond to. I never said walk. But he can take a commercial flight, and fly first class.

If the climate change zealots are right, and if everyone lived like Obama and Al Gore, we'd all be dead. Right? So clearly Obama either doesn't believe what hes saying, or he believes he's entitled to luxuries no one lese is entitled to.

You got wrecked here. Completely wrecked.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 11-10-2021 at 08:57 AM..
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