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Old 11-11-2021, 06:18 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"now you compare a single statement from a former POTUS as your example of using Fear and hysteria "

I provided one example of a democrat clearly using fear. For every example you can cite of a Republican doing it, I can cite a democrat doing it (like Biden telling blacks that "Republicans want to put y'all back in chains").

I've provided two very specific, accurate, valid examples. You provided none. Zero. Not that you can't provide any, but you didn't. But you mock me for only providing one example.

On race and climate change, Democrats play the fear card all the time. But as always with you, it's OK when democrats do it, only problematic when Republicans do it.

"Texas Gov. Abbott Calls for Probe Into 'Availability of Pornography' in Schools"

That's using fear? How do you know that Abbott isn't right? How could you possibly know what books are in every Texas school? Whenever a republican criticizes a liberal, you immediately conclude the republican is lying, and refuse to consider any evidence that teh republican could have a point.
All my examples of fear and hysteria I give you ! You next example your tit for tat examples .. ( again with the put you chains) is from 2012..

I gave you 6 examples in 1 day

So you actually think the reddest of red states have porno books In their schools and your buying this stunt from 4 wheels ?

According to him he would ban the Sears catalog bra a panty section. If it was still around

Or Maybe Aboott should ban phones and internet,

Yet Obama is private citizens who tells the youth of the WORLD vote as if your live depends on it .

And that Fear and hysteria is equal to GOP fear and hysteria.

Jim’s logic A serial killer and man who killed his wife they are Both the same Murders.

Which is correct In the most basic sense of the meaning .
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