Thread: GOP punishment
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Old 11-19-2021, 10:35 AM   #73
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
I want a government run by the most intelligent and virtuous citizens, who in turn rely on experts as servants of the government. This puts me squarely with those elitist fuddy-duddies like James Madison and John Adams

Not people who would do this:
New documents show Trump Admin silenced CDC at start of pandemic, tried to alter expert scientific reports, and then tried to delete evidence they were doing so.

We were the most prepared nation in the world but now more than 750,000 Americans have died.
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"I want a government run by the most intelligent and virtuous citizens"

So who did you vote for in 2020, then? The guy who is clearly in early stages of dimentia, who in his 40 years in DC is known best for lying, plagiarizing, being a political pit bull for the left, who so unfairly blocked the nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court that Websters literally added new word to the dictionary to describe it? A guy who lied about beating up a street tough named Corn Pop (a very common name among drug kingpins), who lied about formerly driving a tractor trailer, who told blacks that Republicans want to put them back in chains?

Spare me.

We both want leaders who will advocate for what we believe. And while we may wish they were also virtuous, that takes aback seat to having the right ideology.

"who in turn rely on experts as servants of the government"

Experts? Like the woman nominated to be in charge of our currency, who is a communist with a shoplifting record? Or the nominee to be in charge of civil rights at the DOJ who explicitly said blacks are physically, intellectually, and spiritually superior to whites? Experts like Kamala Harris, who polled below 1% in the democratic primary, and who got to be VP only because she has the right skin color and genetalia? Experts like Pete Buttigieg who goes out on paternity for weeks during a true crisis involving his area of responsibility?

Experts like our attorney general, who do nothing about violent riots in our cities, but who is OK with using the domestic terror label to describe parents who complain at BOE meetings?

Experts like Anthony Faucci, who have flip-flopped ten times on every single issue related to covid? Wearing a mask would be stupid.

Or experts like the teachers unions, who tell the administration to defy science to make life easier for their members, at our kids' expense.
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