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Old 11-22-2021, 02:50 PM   #21
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
How many people were inside the capital? A million?

Did the Chewbacca guy (40 months for goofy trespassing seems harsh to me) have a well-thought out plan for the coup?

They took a page right out of you sides well-worn playbook, staged a much more peaceful riot than your side did that summer, demanded that they get their way, and the system told them to f-ck off, exactly as the system is supposed to tell them.

There are way too many conservatives for my liking, who act like there's hard evidence the election was stolen. There's also too many liberals fo rmy liking (almost all of them) who say that everything, including the Rittenhouse event, is a matter of white supremacy. Each side spewing lies for political gain. There are 2 differences. (1) Foxnews doesn't claim every night all night, that the election was stolen, but you almost everything on MSNBC and CNN is presented through the prism of race. (2) the only person killed as a direct result of the Trump riot, was an unarmed, tiny, female rioter, shot without warning while obviously posing no immediate threat to anyone, killed by a cop with a documented history of being stupidly reckless with his gun.

Your side is more choked up about the death a 4- or 5-time child rapist who announced that he was going to kill Rittenhouse for absolutely no reason, then tried to take his rifle.

Have fun with that. I have to go to starch my robe for tonights klan meeting.

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