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Old 11-30-2021, 03:21 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
And not to mention that if you're going to issue mask mandates, then maybe you should, you know, lead by example.

Leadership 101
Biden made an error in judgment here, and a rational person would simply admit that.

They can't. They can't do it. They cannot admit that Biden isn't perfect. I don't know why they can't, but they can't. None of them can. That Biden obviously made a mistake here, has broken their brains.

Wayne says there are no mask mandates, Spence is assuming (based on zero evidence) that he just lowered the mask to drink something. I'm waiting for Spence to speculate that he only took off his mask to give mouth-to-mouth CPR to a lifeless infant. Yes, that must be it!

These people do not just "believe in" liberalism, they way I believe in conservatism. They are, quite literally, possessed by liberalism, they are enslaved by it. They are servants to liberalism, and under no circumstances can they say anything critical of their master. It's really, really something to behold.

They think that admitting Biden screwed up here, is somehow the same as endorsing Trump.

The democrat is ALWAYS right. the Republican is ALWAYS wrong.
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