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Old 12-07-2021, 11:27 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
And the reasons that contribute to lower Vaccine rates ( of maybe 2% from others ) are not because misinformation or vaccine hesitancy.. As i am sure will be suggested,Many blame the relatively lower vaccination rates in communities of color on “vaccine hesitancy.”

Access issues lack of internet another example But access issues persist, even in hospital systems. Bell was horrified to discover that members of environmental services — the janitorial staff — did not have access to hospital email. The vaccine registration information sent out to the hospital staff was not reaching them.

Texas has the largest Black population in the country


There are two main groups within Texas’ unvaccinated population: white conservatives in rural areas, and Hispanic and Black people in big cities.

For example, in Dallas County, 58% of the people in neighborhoods that are majority white were fully vaccinated as of July 26. Those rates are far ahead of neighborhoods that are majority Black and Hispanic, which are 37% vaccinated.
Why are they unvaccinated?

Mistrust is the leading cause of vaccine hesitancy, Lakey said, and the core of the mistrust usually depends on a person’s culture.

Hesitancy for white conservatives, he said, hinges on “distrust of government,” while for Hispanic and Black residents it’s often a “lack of trust in the health care system” because of generations of disparities in the American system.

And there it is in a nutshel! l the 2 are not remotely the same! one groups reason imagination and misinformation driven.. and the other is forged in experience and history and limited access to information and basic medical care .

“For some individuals who have not had a lot of experience interacting in the health care system — perhaps they don’t have a primary care physician — this might create further doubt when we start talking about a vaccine because these kinds of experiences are new,” said Dr. John Carlo, CEO of Prism Health North Texas.
so it’s stupid for white republicans to distrust the government ( who have been wrong regarding this disease again and again and again and again).

but you have zero criticism for blacks who distrust the current healthcare system, when obviously there’s zero institutional racism in healthcare today.

the government and healthcare industry combine together to research, produce, test, and approve the vaccine.

yet your conclusion is essentially this…republicans who refuse to get the vaccine because they aren’t convinced it will help them, are paranoid morons.

democrats who refuse to get the vaccine because they don’t trust it will help them, are totally justified in thinking so.

that just makes all kinds of sense.
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