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Old 12-21-2021, 09:12 PM   #1
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Staggering COVID-19 Statistic: 98% to 99% of Americans Dying are Unvaccinated

And we all know why but But its Bidens fault

The KFF poll, conducted December 15 to 20 among 1,065 U.S. adults, found 87% of unvaccinated respondents say news about the omicron variant makes them no more likely to get vaccinated, while 12% say it makes them more likely.

Among vaccinated respondents, 54% said omicron makes them more likely to get a booster shot.

While 49% of all adults say they’re now at least somewhat worried they’ll get “seriously sick from the coronavirus”—up from 30% in November—only 42% of the unvaccinated say they’re concerned, versus 52% of vaccinated respondents.
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