Thread: Trump
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Old 01-05-2022, 04:03 PM   #368
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Jim is AOC or CNN debating January 6th with you on this board, don’t lump all democrats or independents who voted Biden into your narrative. January 6th is far and away worse than any BLM protest gone bad, but I know you will never admit it was.
i’d admit january 6 was worse, if there was any possible rational reason to conclude that. the summer riots caused way more deaths, way more property damage. so i guess you don’t use the amount of violence or property damage to compare riots. those seem like pretty obvious metrics to use. not to you though.

“is AOC debating you”

oh. so you’re saying i should
only bring up people who are here debating. the lefties here never bring up trump? is he here debating? or is it only wrongheaded when i point to politicians who aren’t posting here?

you dodged the issue of AOC, because like every other liberal here, you’re incapable of just admitting she was a little
hypocritical to party in FL and very stupid to sexualize all criticism of her. you just can’t do it.

the AG heading up the january 6 investigation worked with teachers unions to flag concerned parents as domestic terrorists if they did things like make the nazi salute. so why wouldn’t we all have great confidence.

my deepest hope is that trump not run again, so i hope they get the goods on him.
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