Originally Posted by Pete F.
How dare they say you must have life preservers on boats
In yesterday’s Supreme Court case
You need proof of vaccination and a negative PCR test and to wear a mask even to get into the court building. what is the difference between a vaccinated negative pcr test person wearing a mask and an unvaccinated negative pcr test person wearing a mask?
These are the rules to keep people working safely. The lawyers and justices seem content with their own working conditions.
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didn't say that...but they should probably make people wear three life preservers the entire time they are on a boat to be sure that they absolutely do not drown or take anyone down with them...
in yesterday's supreme court hearings we learned that Kagan and Breyer are idiots
it would make more sense to punish or get rid of the unhealthy vaccinated...they are going to continue to clog up the medical system and consume more than their weight in medical services despite covid....getting vaccinated just means they can continue their unhealthy lifestyle, they might be slightly less susceptible to covid or not, at least till the next variant, but they are still 100% susceptible to all of the other health threats they've made themselves targets for driving up medical and insurance cost for the rest of us...why do we put up with these people as a society?