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Old 01-13-2022, 12:30 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
OK, here is what you're saying...

In the first year of the virus (2020), Trump was president and the democrats controlled the house. The republicans controlled the senate. You say the deaths were trumps fault. You are saying the president owns the results. Fair enough.

In 2021, Biden is president, and the democrats control both chambers of congress. But the 2021 deaths aren't the president's fault, they are the GOPs fault.

Do you not see how stupid that is? The parties in control change, so you invert your logic so that no matter who is in control of what, bad outcomes are the GOPs fault.

Always, always, always.

Wayne, the democrats control the white house, the house and the senate. And you blame bad outcomes on the GOP?

Is there any conceivable scenario, in which you'd ever say, that a bad outcome was the democrats fault?

WDMSO: The democrats control the entire federal government right now. Therefore, I'll give them credit for all good outcomes. But I'll blame republicans for every single bad outcome.

God you crack me up.

homelessness in san francisco? the gop did it.

crime in Manhattan? the gops fault.

teachers strike in chicago? republicans are to blame.

Again what party is fighting all things vaccine and masked related things to curb covid

THE GOP! Your in denial with the rest of the GOP but its about freedom
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