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Old 01-15-2022, 10:41 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Since they have never succeeded in any court action, are you claiming that people should just believe them based on…….
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I haven't read their plan in depth. Just the sketchy bits in interviews. From my limited understanding, it wasn't based on nor relied on court decisions. And it is totally mute now because the election was certified and had to be carried out before certification. And, because the Court refused to hear arguments on the validity of the election, most of the evidence compiled by pro-Trumpers has not been thoroughly examined and discussed in corporate media, so has basically been hidden from public scrutiny, and has been referred to as baseless conspiracy in any mention of it.

So, in that respect, there is nothing solid for me to believe or disbelieve.

What I do believe is that, after the Robert Mueller investigation, I lost any trust I had in our security agencies. The Mantra was always that Trump was causing us to lose confidence in them. But, for me, it was their own actions that destroyed my confidence in them. So I find myself believing that they are more of a problem than the groups they profile and accuse. And the Democrats duplicity in their alliance with them in calling for the special counsel investigation and the lies they told to support it, which even more than just my disagreement with their policies, destroyed what confidence I had in the Democrats being honorable in their political opposition.

Like most, I had always considered politics to be dirty. But that investigation took the cake. It was absolutely filthy. And it has not only caused me to lose confidence in the agencies involved, but totally become sick of the whole administrative state including most of its other agencies that I had already was beginning to see as a threat to our constitutional system.

So I don't "just believe them" (Bannon et. al.), I tend to disbelieve the security and intel agencies and the entire administrative state until it is proven to be right--which is a tall order to do for me since they have such a powerful influence, even grip, on the channels that inform us. Which makes those channels of communication as suspect for me as are the administrative and security agencies which they are in bed with.

For people like me, they have lost all credibility. And it is their doing, not Trump's, that is the cause. And the way you have lied and resorted to rhetorical trickery in defense of their treachery, has not helped in restoring any of my faith in them. Rather, it has done the opposite.
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