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Old 01-16-2022, 04:47 AM   #6
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Love this

Number of cases no longer matters, 90% of us are going to get this.

Their are people who have gotten Covid the original delta and omicron
And vaccinated…. You must be a rand Paul fan and his natural immunity stump speech

And this right wing taking point Mayo Clinic fires 700 unvaccinated employees, including in Arizona

That has zero to do with staging shortages. Hospitals have kept staffing at the bare minimum for decades (. Profit!) then Covid hits mass retirements across the country after the 1st Covid wave then the 2nd and NOW floods the hospitals again with patients

And conservatives suggest it’s because they fired people who wouldn’t get the vaccinated… Pay attention this issue of shortage of nurses is nation wide and it follows the infections from state to state but this time this new highly contagious variant is just infecting more people faster across the country at the same time . PS an RN can’t just become an ICU nurse or an OR nurse or maternity Nurse, some like to think that’s how it works

Supply and demand strikes again
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