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Old 01-20-2022, 11:29 AM   #331
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
You said a reduction in poverty and I showed you there has been a reduction in poverty.

N.H. is far better than it was in the past (and I lived in the NH area for years). Hartford too (I worked there 20 years). Parts of America (Kent, WV, Appalachia, Miss. etc) had no sewers, running water, electricity and people lived in tin huts. Schools are better for those people. Food security is better.
"You said a reduction in poverty and I showed you there has been a reduction in poverty."

True enough.

"N.H. is far better than it was in the past (and I lived in the NH area for years). Hartford too (I worked there 20 years)"

I guess it depends on when you're comparing today to. If you're comparing today to the time of the Great Depression, sure it's better today. If you're comparing today to 20 years ago, I just don't see how you could say that it's in any way better. The cities are way more dysfunctional.

Again, it would be interesting to see what cops or teachers, who've been there for decades, would say. Maybe I'm thinking more of social/family dysfunctionality than wealth/poverty, I don't know.

I do know that when I grew up in west Haven, we only had one car which my dad usually drove to work. When I was really little, for a treat my mom would walk us to the bus stop, we'd take the bus to New Haven, have lunch, maybe pick out a toy at the toy store. We wouldn't think of doing that today. It would be way too dangerous and unpleasant.

In the 15 years I worked in downtown Hartford, the blight, the aggressive panhandling, was way way worse at the end of my time, than the beginning. There were times I felt like I was walking in Haiti.
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