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Old 01-21-2022, 01:59 PM   #1
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Identitary solution to "racism."

Now that we have identified White Supremacy as the greatest threat to democracy, what do we do about it?

Since it is understood that when we speak of racism, obviously--White Supremacy and all--we are talking about white racists. Now, while it might be beneficial to the world at large to simply remove whites from planet earth, that--especially considering how much power and artillery whites now have at their disposal--might, at this time, cause the death and suffering of too many non-whites.

I would suggest, therefor, that we have progressed far enough as a society to resort to another strategy--we have come to realize that we are inherently endowed with the power to transform ourselves from the prison of so-called "nature" into something of our own making that can satisfy our own personal desire.

So whites, who suffer from a traumatic white discomfort, can not only feel the oppression they have perpetrated on blacks, they can, more importantly, feel black. They can identify as black.

And they can probably find cosmetic remedies to divest themselves of their albino coloring and become whatever shade of darkness they feel would atone for the damage they have inflicted on that darkness. The federal government might even invest whatever money is required to create surgical or medical procedures which can rewire biological factors such as consistency or shape of hair. And fund free on demand plastic surgeries for such things as size and shape of noses and other important appendages.

Now, some whites, obviously will resist such actually beneficially life transforming ideas and procedures (probably due to ignorance, or sheer stupidity) and not appreciate the actual necessity of solving our racial problem.

We are at an existential inflection point that can decide whether we can survive as a united nation, or break up into warring racial identities. This is more threatening to our existence than Covid. This requires measures as strict, or even more stringent, than what we have done to fight the pandemic.

It would be good, if at a minimum, whites who resist re-identifying themselves should be quarantined until they comply. And, of course, even more severe strategies could be necessary to mitigate and eventually eradicate this viral problem of whiteness.
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