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Old 01-24-2022, 10:52 AM   #13
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Some of you boys have a hair trigger this morning....

IMO... Some of the verbiage used was to communicate the greatest information to describe what happened within the limits of a headline.

So, use of "illegal gun" is used to convey a firearm was used, and the reader can deduce that the gunman was not on any upstanding citizen's list and in fact was a scumbag law breaker.

And "SUV' was used to describe the weapon/vehicle being commandeered to cause such an awful amount of damage to innocents. If it had been an elderly driver suffering a medical emergency, it would have been written differently.

Not as much thought went into those headlines from a political point of view as you are wanting to think. The primary goal of the headline is to sell copy.

“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.” – James Madison.
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