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Old 01-25-2022, 09:31 AM   #31
Jim in CT
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Can ANY of the left-leaning folks here, share a theoretical gun law, which would likely have prevented this cop killing?

You can't do it.

What I don't get, is why you can't then say "you're right, there's no reason to believe an additional gun law would have prevented this."

Again, I believe some additional gun laws could save lives (I wouldn't mind seeing bump stocks banned, and I don't have a huge problem with so-called red flag laws, where maybe guns are banned in homes where there's a serious known problem, which was the case with the Sandy Hook shooter, everybody in that town knew that kid was horribly broken)

But the garden variety gang-type shooting...I don't think additional gun laws are likely to stop those.

But you guys cannot ever stray from pure liberalism.
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