Thread: Durham report
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Old 02-16-2022, 03:13 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Boy are you guys (you in particular) predictable, heat on Trump escalates as new revelations come out on multiple fronts and Fox and the other right wing media outlets, decide it's time to change the narrative to Hilary and the Durham report. When they flip the narrative, its only a matter of hours before this board sees the same narrative. Crazy Rudy now claims to have tons of evidence against Hilary in his bedroom and has had if for years, oh I can't wait to see what that conspiracy theory turns into?

You of course are always complaining we who respond to your posts always seem to turn it around to Trump, gee wiz mr. wizard wonder why that is, could it be it's a political forum and the GOP is the party or should I say cult of Trump now. It's amazing that the GOP can run in 2016 without any platform and when asked what that might be in 2020 or the upcoming midterms, the response is we will tell you when we regain the power.

Hilary isn't running again and if she or her employees broke the law and it can be PROVEN, then have at her. Trump on the other hand should he run out the clock on getting charged may run again and that is why we keep bringing him up. Maybe you are ok with the results justifying the means, personally I think he is the worst example of a human being or governor, his policies are geared towards helping the upper crust, he is one dangerous MF on foreign policy and he would love to be nothing but king for as long as he can hold the throne. He would be the worst possible result for the entire globe and I can't imagine how bad the result would be.

The economy and jobs are doing well, no thanks to a single boot licking republican as they voted for nothing they weren't forced into knowing if they didn't it would really hurt them politically. It will be interesting as spring comes and covid dies down to see what happens, the fly in the ointment of course now is Trumps man crush Putin. If Trump were asked today if he thought Russia would invade, his response would be just like his answer on Russia interfering in our elections; no Putin said he won't invade and I believe him.
Yawn, and wrong.

"Fox" isn't changing the narrative. Durham is sharing some of his findings.

As for me, I hope they throw the book at Trump so that he never, ever runs again. You and I probably agree on that.

At the same time, I'd like to know the truth about the origins of the Russia hoax, and it was a complete hoax. You probably have no interest in learning that truth, hope it goes away.

I can think for myself and i can agree and disagree with either side. You? Not so much.

Every single post made my every single one of you guys, can be boiled down to this:

liberal=good, conservative=bad.

If only the world were that simple.

"the GOP can run in 2016 without any platform and when asked what that might be in 2020 or the upcoming midterms, the response is we will tell you when we regain the power. "

Not sure what planet you live on, but here on Earth, in 2016, Trump and Republicans ran on tax cuts, creating job growth, eliminating unnecessary regulations, killing jihadists, not getting us involved in questionable wars. They did all those things. Of course, they also ran on some things that they failed to do (border wall, overhaul Obamacare).

What in Gods name gave you the idea that they ran on nothing?
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