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Old 03-07-2022, 01:10 PM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim the facts are not with you... Biden has closed no Oil wells in America he has not taken away any oil leases " Oil and gas companies do not need new leases on public lands ... million acres in total—are not yet being used to produce oil or gas."

Biden outpaces Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands

all you do is regurgitate GOP talking points
"the U.S Government does not control oil production in the US not sure why people fail to understand that"

On federal land and for offshore, yes it does control. Not sure why you fail to understand that.

"what Money Jim andgin private companies"

The massive oil and natural gas deposits on federal land, which we are sitting on and not cashing in on. Again, you aren't differentiating between privately owned land and federal land like ANWAR.

Wayne, oil is at $120 a barrel. If it was all up to the private sector, why on earth wouldn't they be getting every drop out of the soil? Why do YOU suppose that oil is just sitting there?

"Jim Biden made an effort trump just Lied Big difference"

Trump helped usher in the testing and vaccine infastructure. He didn't "just lie". The "big difference" is between your lefty extremist nonsense, and what actually happened.

Tell me what's false about this statement...By the time Biden took office, you could get testing fairly easily, and we were vaccinating almost a million people a day.

"what A lie "

No it's not. A quote from NPR of all places..."Biden campaigned last year on pledges to end new drilling on federal lands to rein in climate-changing emissions. His pick to oversee those lands, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, adamantly opposed drilling on federal lands while in Congress and co-sponsored the liberal Green New Deal."

Oil prices are highly speculative. When a president announces he's going to end new drilling on federal lands, that will give the impression that future supply will decrease, which causes the price to increase.

Is NPR lying, Wayne?

Biden didn't halt all US oil production, that would be a lie. But he's not in favor of "drill baby drill" either.

"Biden has closed no Oil wells in America he has not taken away any oil leases "

He stopped issuing new permit approvals on federal lands, until a judge stopped him. And he halted the pipeline. Again, intentionally giving the impression that he's not oil-friendly.

I bought oil futures the day after the election, precisely because I understand this. Paying off very nicely. Was pretty obvious.

"Biden outpaces Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands"

That's true. But you failed to mention (gee, I wonder why?), that first Biden halted all new approvals on federal lands, until a judge blocked him. Or is NPR lying?

No matter who was POTUS, oil was going to soar once covid slowed down. None of that is Bidens fault. But he campaigned as a green president, and initially blocked all new permits on federal lands.

Again, I assume there's also a reason why Putin didn't invade during Trumps 4 years. That war is having a massive impact on prices, and some of that is on Biden. He projects weakness and senility.

Oil is shooting up on his watch. He caused some, not all, of the price increase. And even what's not his fault at all, will be held against him, because presidents own what happens on their watch.

I would genuinely love to know what you were saying in 2008 when the subprime mortgage crisis exploded. I am positive you blamed it all on Bush because he was the sitting POTUS.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 03-07-2022 at 01:19 PM..
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