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Old 03-10-2022, 11:57 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
WSMDO, Biden put a halt to new leases on federal lands. unless you have some way of knowing that none of those potential leases would have ever led to a drop of oil being produced, that necessarily means that Biden reduced production.

Jim if you have not used your current leases and have not sunk a well on those un used leased .. Not getting a new lease is not Biden reducing production .. not sure how you come to that conclusion

As always, none of you can admit that Biden owns even a small portion of what's happening on his watch. I would if inflation was not a worldwide Problem . but that's not the case , and he has passed nothing to create it.. yet you keep saying he has ? He misread Inflation that's certain and he doesn't control the Fed and their policys

There's a whole lot more going on than just Joe Biden, he isn't the sole cause of rising prices. It would be wrong to say he caused all of it. Which is why I would never say he caused all of it.

It would also be wrong to say he caused none of it. But that's what you're all saying.

Fortunately, what you say and I say doesn't matter a rat's azz. What matters is that the American people get to speak their minds on gas prices, and everything else, in a few months. As for me, I'm pretty confident and secure that the American people will come to the correct conclusion as to what caused the MANY different crises and failures that are impacting all of us. Which means, well, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes on election day, unless things change before then, as they well could.

On top of EVERYTHING ELSE, the S&P500 index is in a full correction, the Nasdaq index is in full bear territory. The one thing he had going for him was an astounding stock market, and now even that is looking shaky.
And the Market are responding to world events inflation and the coming end to zero interest not Biden

I know many people who were so High on the Market and how their 401k looked day to day! not taking the long view ..Many have taken a Serious beating some up to 100k in losses .. because they rolled the dice had everything in High risk and lost

and the easy Target is Blame Biden .. because the bought into the fantasy POTUS has power to control the Markets
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