Thread: Ukraine
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Old 03-22-2022, 01:16 PM   #712
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Again, you quote exactly word for word (even with the exact spacing) of someone with neither quotes nor attribution to the author--Star Trek's George Takei, not exactly the most well informed political analyst.

So 8 out of 212 Republican House members voting in a certain way is supposed to be a reflection on the Republican Party?

"The revocation carries mostly symbolic weight. Because Russian imports into the U.S. are primarily natural resources, they would generally face little to no increase in their tariffs because of the lost status, Ed Gresser of the Progressive Policy Institute in Washington, said in an online post."

The eight had reasons for their vote which Takei fails to mention or doesn't know.

Whoopie! Eight out of two hundred and twelve--every . . . single . . . one! You go get em Pete. Great job of making a mountain out of a molehill fake picture to show how evil Republicans are. Propaganda at its finest.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) blames Ukraine for being invaded: "You see Ukraine just kept poking the bear, poking the bear, which is Russia, and Russia invaded. And the hard truth is ... there is no win for Ukraine here. Russia is being very successful in their invasion."

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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