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Old 04-03-2022, 07:01 AM   #17
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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My search for the right place to build led me to a really beautiful acre and a half lot, "high and dry" as they use to say, and it abutted conservation land. It wasnt in a subdivision where everybody knows everybody elses business and that was a plus to me......i like my privacy.
So I made the decision to buy it from the private seller who was building a house next lot over. I had saved as much money as I could but it wasnt I would have to get a loan for the balance to make the purchase.
That proved to be tougher than expected. I went to the bank manager where I had a savings account with half of the money I needed and asked to borrow the rest, my passbook showed weekly deposits of whole paychecks. He turned me down..... saying "we dont like doing loans for vacant land. Went to another bank and they said I needed a co-signer. No way would I ask my parents to do that. I was determined to do this myself. I kept boss suggested trying with his bank and with his recommendation I was approved.

Last edited by Rmarsh; 04-03-2022 at 08:00 AM..
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