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Old 04-12-2022, 05:51 AM   #25
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Ahh, the poor victims
Set upon by empathetic people, meanwhile the Republican Party votes against control of the price of insulin (highest by far in the world), enacts tax cuts of which the middle class ones expire while the high income ones don’t.
Take note because the new Republican plan will eliminate Medicare, Social Security, increase taxes on the middle class (doesn’t pay their fair share) and eliminate any control on healthcare costs.
Never mind that Republicans have consistently destroyed the economy for the past 50 years
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enacting tax cuts that have an expiration date is a function of the legislative process. streamlines the approval process.

those cuts are always renewed. please tell us the last time a middle class tax cut was actually allowed to expire?

you guys constantly portray all republicans as evil, and every time we push back at all ( seriously or with humor) you say we’re playing the victim card.

you don’t have a pattern of demonizing republicans in your posts?

the victims on my side, are about to go all Chuck Norris on your side in a few months. A sleeping tiger about to wake up angry, isn’t a victim, as you’re about to find out.

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