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Old 04-15-2022, 10:14 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
you are either one of the cruelest humans to ever live or have no idea how many women miscarry.
Hopefully it is the latter.
Perhaps you should discuss this with someone with a uterus.
The number of miscarriages is currently around 10% of pregnancies.
You think that women who lose a fetus should be have to prove their innocence.
"you are either one of the cruelest humans to ever live"

Yes, the folks who don't like the idea of slaughtering millions of innocent babies for no good reason, WE are the cruel ones. Not the folks who support the slaughter of millions of babies, rather than giving them up for adoption and then getting on with your life.

Good luck with that logic.

"or have no idea how many women miscarry."

I know it's not uncommon, but I have no idea what that has to do with abortion. Sorry. Strike one.

"Perhaps you should discuss this with someone with a uterus."

I have, many times.

Another lie your side tells on this issue (to avoid the truth) is that this is a women's issue, a woman's right. Bull. There are millions and millions of smart, impressive women who oppose abortion. Way too many if its a fundamental women's right.

Strike two.

"You think that women who lose a fetus should be have to prove their innocence."

No I don't.
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