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Old 04-18-2022, 12:06 PM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
The Florida law that Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed last month empowers parents to take actions against offending school boards

the law’s vagueness might end up handing opponents a hidden weapon against it.

Some on the right to include Jim — and DeSantis’s spokesperson — have slimed Disney and other critics as “groomers” out to prep kids for sex

All this happened under your watch," the parent told the board

Wow shocking another mom free speech for me not thee.

The books been around since 2016 novel of breathtaking sweep and emotional power that traces three hundred years in Ghana and along the way also becomes a truly great American novel. Extraordinary for its exquisite language, its implacable sorrow, its soaring beauty, and for its monumental portrait of the forces that shape families and nations,

Yet you got this women reading out I am guessing a rape or sex scene. Uptight because she can’t get laid!!!

What’s next Jim remove old National Geographic because of topless indigenous women

And I doubt her children are going to go looking for that book for the dirty parts that’s conservatives imagination running wild ..

While her sons on his phone watching youporn and her daughter is watching bridgerton.on Netflix she’s at a school board metering making an ass of herself …. Gotta love Conservatives logic
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you mean the law that you called “don’t say gay”, which was just before you criticized republicans for

do you ever, and i mean ever, stuck to the subject?

you have been saying that conservatives have no valid reason to be concerned about what’s in these schools. i pointnto a real example of sexual language so explicit, the school board member said it wasn’t fit for kids, not knowing it was from a school book.

I’m sorry if their pains you to hear it, but that proves that there’s some inappropriate sexual stuff in public school.

good for parents for raising awareness

why is it so important to you, that children be exposed to sexually explicit material in public schools.?

and it’s not a new thing that school board members are accountable to parents. parents elect them. they serve the parents.

“uptight because she cant get laid.”

did you read my link? the school board member was the one who told the mother to stop reading

do you have any idea how trump-like you sound?

you’re a real classless jerk. and you’re stupid. and you truly deserve what’s coming in november.

parents who don’t want smut in elementary school are all sexually frustrated. it’s not posssible to have a principled reason to not want kids exposed to this.

a losing political issue for you, like just about everything else.

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Last edited by Jim in CT; 04-18-2022 at 01:21 PM..
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