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Old 04-18-2022, 03:09 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
they've been in schools for decades and not until Conservative morality police went digging in Dark corners to expose this mythical grooming and CRTl:
Now you're saying that because conservatives weren't complaining until now, that they have no valid complaint.

Would you like a list of things that have been around for decades (or thousands of years), which woke liberals were fine with until 5 minutes ago?

The idea that if you have a wee-wee, you go to the mens room, and you compete in sports against other people with wee wees. That idea has been around for hundreds of years, and no one objected until the deranged woke liberal gestapo showed up.

The idea that one's gender is whatever we declare it to be.

The fact that sometimes police make good-faith, yet tragic, mistakes.

The idea that fathers are a good thing.

The idea that drugs are bad and should be stigmatized.

The idea that poor people shouldn't bear the burden of repaying student loans taken out by wealthy kids.

How many do you want? What planet do you live on, where you say that only republicans are objecting to things that have been around for awhile?

Last edited by Jim in CT; 04-18-2022 at 03:19 PM..
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