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Old 05-02-2022, 11:48 AM   #56
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
like I've said the American voter is stupid. they spend effort removing the last Party in office only to vote them back in 2 years later because they expect instant result .. and fail to see the rich took their profits and low interest advantage sell off , willing to tank the market and the economy.. to swoop in and buy up whats left in the fire sale to come
"do you need a safe space .."

No. What could I have possibly said, that would make you ask that? I'm literally holding all the cards at the moment. That could well change today if the idiot republicans blow it. But all my side needs to do, is watch you side march further to the left, further away from where Americans are (we're a centrist country, not a progressive country), and watch the economy sink a bit more between now and November, watch the economy slow as the Fed gets aggressive with rate hikes.

"he dismissed the pandemic .. or were asleep for that part"

Yet the left said his travel restrictions were a hysterical overreaction, or were you asleep for that part? In other words, the left criticized him for both over-reacting, and for downplaying it. That's called "wanting to have it both ways". He got hospital ships to NY, oversaw the creation of infastructures for testing and vaccines, sent everyone big fat relief checks, created makeshift hospitals in NY...That's "dismissing" the virus? All that is "dismissing" it? Really? I don't think so.

"you are just a parrot repeating the same old GOP mantra"

Nope. I'm reacting to what actually happened to the US economy during Trumps term, before we #^&#^&#^&#^& the economy down. You obviously don't remember, but the economy was absolutely roaring. If Trump got re elected, maybe we'd still be facing horrible inflation and shrinking GDP and a sinking stock market. Or maybe not. We can't know. What we do know, is that those things didn't exist under Trump, and they all exist under Biden.

Make. That. Wrong.

As for calling me a parrot, I also said many Republicans say one thing and do the opposite when in power. How is that a GOP talking point.

I'm bashing the GOP, and somehow you can't see it, even though it's right in front of your face.

Whatever the faults of the GOP are (and they are many), they are poised to steamroll the democrats in a few months, unless things change, as they could. The democrats won the executive and legislative branches in 2020, they therefore run the whole show, and everything is much worse than it was. Not all of that is their fault, but some of it sure is. And in any event, the party in power gets blamed for what happened on their watch, that's just the way it is.

"Jim you gullible to think anything you mentioned immediately impacts the economy"

I keep forgetting what an world-renowned expert you are on macroeconomics. It's just a coincidence that the stock market soared and unemployment shrank, when Trump was given the keys.

Infastructure takes a while to help. Tax cuts obviously don't take decades to have an impact.

"the benefit didn't last long"

It lasted until we shut down the economy for covid.

"willing to tank the market and the economy"

The GOP didn't do that, well they contributed to it by spending like crazy when they had congress.

Biden is proposing massive spending and tax hikes in his next budget. We'll soon see what America thinks of that brilliant plan.

Wayne, do you feel obligated to help pay off student loans for short-sighted and ill-informed teenagers who borrowed $250,000 to get degrees in pottery from Cornell?

That will make the cause of the problem (college cost) worse. That's the liberal way, instead of addressing the actual cause of the problem, they throw money at the symptom of the problem.

What incentive does any college have to cut costs, if the feds will pick up the tab?

"swoop in and buy up whats left in the fire sale to come"

That's exactly what I'm planning to do, and what I sincerely hope you do. No one knows when the bottom will be, but there will be bargains out there, like JP Morgan, maybe Apple and Amazon and for sure companies that make processors/chips like AMAT. You can't stop the correction that's just starting now, but you can position yourself to benefit from it. Hoard cash now, and buy at the fire sale which is likely coming (not definitely).
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