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Old 05-04-2022, 10:17 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post

So your now suggesting Trump made what conservatives wanted for 50 years by stealing a SCJ nomination from Obama and nominating 2 conservatives Judges who were against Row on moral grounds and their religion . not the Law . and lied in their confirmation hearing about it

I love your version of America could it get any more corrupt

FYI Trump’s criminal justice reform bill becomes persona non grata among GOPers

With rising crime and the approaching midterms, Republicans have moved far past the First Step Act.

Three-and-a-half years later, few Republicans — Trump included — seem not at all interested in talking about it.
"Trump made what conservatives wanted for 50 years by stealing a SCJ nomination from Obama"

How on Earth, did Trump steal that nomination from Obama? He was a private citizen. Lord is he living rent free in your head.

I agree Garland should have been given a hearing (and then rejected). Here's what you won't admit...what McConnell did, was invoke the "Biden Rule", that's actually what it was called. When Bush Sr was POTUS, Biden famously said that if Bush tried to nominate a justice, the democrat-controlled senate should stop him. Biden said it, they call it the "Biden Rule". Now, the democrats never acted on that, but Biden suggested it was appropriate. What's good for the goose...

Also, the American people chose to give Senate control to Republicans at that time. They didn't do that, because they all wanted Garland to replace Scalia. Elections have consequences.

"and nominating 2 conservatives Judges who were against Row on moral grounds and their religion . not the Law"

So in addition to macroeconomics, you're also an expert on Constitutionjal law.

There's no way you read that draft opinion. So you have no clue what their legal basis was. There are many legal scholars who believe Roe was wrongly decided.

"and lied in their confirmation hearing about it "

Show me video where one of them promised never to repeal Roe. They dodged a little for sure. Again, it was Ginsburg who set the precedent during her confirmation, she refused to get specific about how she'd vote on future cases. All others after her, have followed suit.

Do you aver answer any of my questions? Ever?
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