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Old 05-06-2022, 10:37 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
There are some faiths that require killing women who blaspheme the faith or are sexually promiscuous. Imposing those beliefs on all Americans is unconstitutional.

If people, persons, human beings, want to live in this country, they should obey its laws.

If women controlled their own bodies, the vast majority of abortions would not be needed.

If our laws would stipulate that women, or men, or persons, or human beings, must totally control their own bodies, should they be punished when they don't control their own bodies? When not controlling their bodies leads to harming other bodies? Or does controlling your own body mean you can do whatever you wish, without interference by laws and government and society.

Nobody is trying to impose those rules on all Americans.
Nobody is saying anyone is required to get an abortion

is country has a constitution that separates church and state.
Our law’s constitutionally should not be representative of a religious belief.
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Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
You are not responding to what I said. I didn't say anybody was trying to "impose those rules on all Americans" or that "anyone is required to get an abortion." I facetiously contrasted what some faiths require to what you said some faiths require when you said "The people who oppose womens right to control their own bodies fail to acknowledge that at a minimum their are other faiths that do not oppose abortion but in fact require it in some cases. Imposing beliefs that are held by some Faiths on all Americans is unconstitutional"-- and I said that it also was unconstitutional. That was a mistake on my part because it afforded you the opportunity to skip over the rest of what I said, which was not facetious, but the serious stuff to which you did not respond.

And that serious stuff was a response to your framing the right to abortion as the right of women to control their own bodies. I pointed out that if women actually controlled their bodies, there would be no need for the vast majority of abortions. If a woman doesn't want to get pregnant it is easy to control her own body so that she won't get pregnant. And, BTW, the fetus is not her own body.

And I pointed out that the notion of wanting to control your own body isn't merely about abortion, and asked if their were societal obligations that accompanied this controlling your own body--if the right to control your own body should require penalties when you didn't control or willfully controlled your body in such a way that it harmed others. Or does controlling your own body mean you can do whatever you wish, without interference by laws and government and society. There are, of course, implications in that question that there might be penalties for harming the unborn because of not living up to your obligation to control your own body. But that would be a question for the people of various states to decide.

You avoided responding to that and went off on what nobody was "trying" or "saying."

And your bit about "The people who oppose womens right to control their own bodies" provokes the question of who exactly are those people? I don't know of such people, or as you might put it "nobody is trying to oppose womens' right to control their own bodies." That's just your tricky, propagandistic way of framing the issue to create some dictatorial, authoritarian, fascistic, etc. characterization of the attempt to reject the power of the federal government to impose Roe v. Wade and sending the issue back to the states where it belongs.

And then, of course, you had to throw in the separation of church and state, as if anti-abortion is a church thing. For some it may be. But the constitutional argument against it is not about religion. It is about the overreach of the federal government. It is about the federal government usurping yet another power from local government. Yet another piece of power it accrues to itself as it grows out of control of the people and into an unconstitutional authoritarian state.
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