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Old 05-10-2022, 03:03 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Where is it written, that "viability" bestows human status on a baby? Who made that rule? It's literally impossible to know when a baby is viable.

And in any event, the current liberal view is that abortion is OK up until birth, way past viability.

You're OK with bans at the point of viability? Many on the left aren't. And viability always seems to be earlier and is the point when we think they feel pain.
The viability requirement is totally made up, "interpreted," in order to get past the fact that a fetus is a human being. The fetus is absolutely viable for its stage of life. It is perfectly suited to live in the environment that biological reality requires it to live in until birth. A born infant could not survive if it was placed back into the environment from which it flourished as a fetus. Nor could an adult human being survive in a sac of amniotic fluid without some form of help to breath. From conception to birth, a human being is as viable in its given environment as much as born humans are in their environments.

And fetus's do "breath" in the manner available to them while immersed in amniotic fluid. And they prepare for breathing outside of their fluid environment--"By 10–12 weeks of gestation, developing babies begin taking “practice” breaths."

The fetus is not only "viable" in its environment, it continuously makes preparations for its future birth and the new environment by constantly developing its parts and functions. It is actually designed by nature, if not some metaphysical creator, to do so on its own--with the protection and nourishment provided by the mother's body, which also internally develops itself, prepares for, the ability to carry, protect, and nourish developing human beings inside of her.

The processes of pregnancy and fetal development are both biologically self actuating. They are not products of willful human construction. They are ineluctable and can only be stopped by some form of violence, accident, disease, or willful intervention.

Last edited by detbuch; 05-10-2022 at 08:26 PM..
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