Thread: 2000 Mules
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Old 05-13-2022, 07:27 AM   #23
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
As others have posted voters, or at least those without the ability to really think through cause and affect, take the easy way out and blame the sitting president (red or blue). Thinking Biden caused high gas prices, supply shortages and the resulting inflation is taking the easy way out.

The United States has done a good job of distancing ourselves from Russia’s oil industry, even though Russia is the second-largest oil producer in the world. Russia accounts for just 7 percent of total US Oil Imports, meaning we are far less dependent on the Kremlin for oil than other countries.

However, the price of oil is determined by international factors, and because other countries are more heavily dependent on Russian oil than the U.S. is, any cutbacks in the use of Russian oil elsewhere can reduce global supplies, pushing prices higher for Americans.

Want to blame someone for really f*cking the global economy after it was just starting to get out from under the devastating impact of Covid, blame the guy Trump loves his man crush Putin. Don’t forget the corporation’s that the right has always wanted to reward with tax breaks, they all are seeing epic profits throughout this.
"As others have posted voters, or at least those without the ability to really think through cause and affect, take the easy way out"

I 100% agree. And we can out Pete solidly in that category.

"Thinking Biden caused high gas prices, supply shortages and the resulting inflation is taking the easy way out."

I'd say he contributed to some of those things, he's not the sole cause, but he did things that made it worse. Pumping trillions and trillions into the economy, especially when supplies are low, is going to cause inflation. Trump also spent like a lunatic and caused some of it.

"the price of oil is determined by international factors"

I'm no expert on that by ANY means, but it's also based on speculation of future supply. Having a US president that's perceived as likely to cut US production, is likely to lead to higher prices.

"blame the guy Trump loves his man crush Putin."

That argument is destroyed by considering the very simple fact that inflation started shooting up before Russia invaded. Putin is certainly making it worse, but he's not the root cause of large-scale inflation.

"Don’t forget the corporation’s that the right has always wanted to reward with tax breaks, they all are seeing epic profits throughout this":

(1) corporations making profits, is a lot better for regular Americans, than the alternative.

(2) those record profits were meaningfully helped by Trump and Biden handing out covid relief checks, in MANY cases to people who weren't impacted by covid at all. If you give every single regular family close to $10,000 in free money over the course of a couple of covid relief bills, why would you be surprised that corporations are making big profits? People are going to spend that money.

So as I look at your post, it appears you seem to be saying that zero blame lies with the democrats, and all the blame lies with entities on the right.

It's not that simple.

Almost every barometer that you'd use to judge how the US is doing, is meaningfully worse than it was when Biden took over. Not nearly all of that is his fault, but he's not blameless either. Not by a long shot.

Making people afraid of MAGA isn't going to help the left in the midterms, that's just going to energize the right. The people who think that's great, are already voting for democrats.

Focusing on Roe might well help the left in the midterms. That was a political gift to the left.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 05-13-2022 at 07:47 AM..
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