Thread: 2000 Mules
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Old 05-17-2022, 09:48 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
You guys are too funny, just who do you think Carlson is thinking is going to replace you and just exactly who do you think the you is? It's not black voters he is warning about getting their vote replaced and it's not white immigrants he is warning YOU about. Carry on with your circle jerk, it's amusing.
Getting votes replaced, regardless of color, is the key. Democrats understand this. They have said it. They understand that those coming from Central America will predominantly vote Democrat. This is why they predict red states will shift to blue because of the change in demographics that will occur with mass immigration from those countries. This is no secret. They say it out loud, gleefully, and in our faces. Republicans are not against people of color from Cuba immigrating here because they think those people will predominantly vote Republican.

It's about voting patterns not skin color. So, let immigrants come here LEGALLY, in more manageable numbers, and with skills that we need (as has all been done in the past), rather than illegally in massive numbers and with the expectation that they can remain here and become citizens, while those from other countries who apply legally can wait for years, if they're accepted at all.

Do it in that organized, handleable, legal way and let the chips fall where they may in voting patterns as the immigrants gradually get assimilated into American society and have a clearer picture of American politics and the actual consequences of their votes.
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