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Old 05-25-2022, 11:28 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
There can be some qualifications, but the default should be shall issue unless there is a reason not to.

If there can be a reason to, and the 2A does not clearly spell out the reasons, then the reason will be left up to those in government power and on the SCOTUS to spell out and enforce.

If the reason for voiding the protection provided by the 2A is left up to government, then the Amendment is not an unalienable right.

It's a Mental Health AND a Culture Problem.

I agree. The more nihilistic our culture becomes, the less life has meaning or value--and the more that destruction of life will be an attraction, an amusement, a source of power, to those who see or feel no, for lack of a better word, no sacredness, no concrete foundation, no reliable, predictable, believable reality or truth. Where all is relative, even your body can be shaped or transformed into ways that defy that which connected you to some semblance of reality. So the power you had as an individual in a structured society with coherent beliefs and customs becomes essentially frivolous. The excitement of succeeding in a prescribed society becomes a joke. Any accomplishment within the joke has fleeting value or purpose as it can be voided of meaning or importance with waves of new superficial attractions. The only believable reality is the power to participate in the joke in whichever way you choose. And the most significant thing, maybe the only significant thing you can do, the most powerful thing you can do, is just blow the whole joke up. And thus being something of actual importance to those meaningless people around you. And, for the moment, they can recognize that you are the most important thing in their existence

Lots of stolen guns in Chicago but it is NEVER the criminal's fault.
It's only their fault if they're a white supremacist.
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