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Old 06-26-2022, 07:24 AM   #65
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Sticking to the constitution is the exact opposite of activism.

So every SJC since 1972. Had the constitution wrong ? And these justices have cracked the code on the correct interpretation of the constitution…. ? For 1 reason only. it fits their religious ideology, and all the legal claims are considered weak

The world is laughing at us over this ruling

Italy However, his party leader, Matteo Salvini, was notably more nuanced, stating that he believes "in the value of life… but on pregnancy, the last word belongs to the woman" - perhaps a recognition that the majority of Italians say they still support the right to abort.

of Ireland news of the US Supreme Court ruling has triggered a swift and passionate response. The issue stirs deep emotions here where abortion was only relatively recently decriminalised. The world continues to watch America become unrecognisable," wrote Dr Jennifer Cassidy on Twitter, a university lecturer who was in Dublin in 2018 when jubilant crowds celebrated as the Republic of Ireland voted to decriminalise abortion.

This will embolden the most conservative groups in our countries who consistently deny women rights",

Justin Trudeau, did not mince words, calling it a "devastating setback" and "horrific" for women.
"Quite frankly, it's an attack on everyone's freedoms and rights," Mr Trudeau said

61% majority of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 37% think abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. These views are relatively unchanged in the past few years

This is what tyranny looks like at the hands of the minority

The US is starting to look like Iraq where the Sunnis ruled as the minority for decades, unable to win the popular vote on merits they just did what trump tried to do instal himself has leader by placing supporters who would make sure it happens , that’s why you have election denying Republicans with Trumps support running for secretary’s of state in swing states . And Trump supporters are not watch the hearings because they are upset it didn’t work. Not that he tried

And the Republicans are a cult Arizona lawmaker Rusty Bowers would vote for Trump again despite his emotional Jan. 6 testimony

If he is the nominee, if he was up against Biden, I’d vote for him again,” Bowers ​told the Associated Press. “Simply because what he did the first time, before COVID, was so good for the county. In my view, it was great.” So much for having principles
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