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Old 06-27-2022, 03:43 PM   #128
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Just those 2 statements make my point

1st you see the court as a tool of retribution

2nd Freedom is only for whom you align with .

can't wait to see the outrage over a highschool drag queen prayer vigil after the game ... I bet the right won't mention freedom of speech and religious freedom .. but I am sure other words will be used..
i didn’t say retribution. said the court was liberal
for decades,,now it’s conservative.

you people
need to grasp that democracy isnt defines as you getting what you want every single

the court was liberal for 50 years. then the people elected a conservative senate and a republican president, who did exactly what he said he’d do.

elections have consequences

only you’d see that as “retribution”.

if 1000 people
prayed in the street it would block traffic. this coach wasnt doing that.

man, for people who demand tolerance, liberals are t too keen on showing it.

you can have your gay pride parades in public, he can pray in public. tough cookies if you don’t like it.
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